MVCTC Aspire students completed the Dayton Train to Sew program


Four MVCTC Aspire students completed the Dayton Train to Sew program this month along with with the ESOL industrial sewing class at St. John’s. They worked hard to learn the English and the hands-on skills to sew with industrial machines in hopes of getting a job in this area. A representative of Lion Apparel was on hand to provide interviews to the graduates. Graduation was a sweet celebration of the students' hard work!

The industrial sewing course begins with English language and civics instruction at the MVCTC Aspire International school at St. John's Church of Christ. Students then enter a specialized training course which includes sewing terminology, workplace skills and hands on vocational training all delivered with English language instruction. This career class is a collaboration between Dayton Train to Sew, Lion Apparel, Honeywell Morningstar and MVCTC Aspire.

Learn more about MVCTC Aspire courses at