Important Information Regarding COVID-19


Dear Adult Education Staff and Students,


Due to the significant increase in the COVID-19 Delta variant across the United States, as well as Ohio, the district has reached a point where we can no longer strongly request staff, students and visitors to wear a face mask. The MVCTC Board of Education took action last night that, effective Monday, September 13, 2021, all staff, students and visitors will be required to wear face masks when they are in a building or riding on district transportation. The only exception, other than a medical disability through a written physician’s note, will be when students are eating lunch or outside the buildings in the open air. Students and staff who are outside of the building and able to maintain a social distance of more than three feet are not required to wear a face mask.


Staff and student safety is the most important factor to consider when making this decision. As we continue to monitor the data, it is apparent that we must require masks to help provide any advantage we can. It is no longer a situation of IF the Delta variant will impact us. It is now a situation of how well we respond to the threat that is already on our doorstep. The district has encouraged personal choice in wearing a face mask as long as it could, but now there is no doubt we must act if we want to keep students and staff on campus in a face-to-face learning environment this year.

According to the Ohio Department of Health, students and staff members that are masked, even if they are not vaccinated, will not be required to quarantine if they are exposed to an individual with COVID-19. This will dramatically reduce the number of students and staff who may potentially be quarantined and means that fewer students will miss school for an extended period of time.


Vaccination continues to be the preferred method of reducing the impact of COVID-19, but that continues to be a personal choice for each student and staff member.


Our best strategy at this point in time is to require face masks of all students, staff and visitors to help reduce the potential spread of COVID-19 and greatly reduce the number of individuals who would be required to quarantine. I know the Board’s decision will not please everyone, but it is currently our best option to ensure students remain on campus where we all know they learn best.


Please feel free to email me your questions at




Eric Dolan

Director of Instruction

Miami Valley CTC