Covid-19 Face Mask Update as of December 16, 2021


The MVCTC Board of Education took action on December 14, 2021, to rescind the face mask requirement on campus for students, staff and guests. This change will go into effect on Tuesday, January 4. 


Please understand that the district may need to return to a face mask requirement if there is a state or federal mandate. Also, if there is a sustained increase in COVID-19 cases, the Board may reinstate the resolution requiring masking for all students and staff. 


The district will continue to strongly recommend that students and staff wear a face mask but will not require it. MVCTC will continue to provide face masks and hand sanitizer at common entrances. We will continue our enhanced cleaning protocols and the district will continue to encourage social distancing whenever possible. 


Vaccination continues to be the preferred method of reducing the impact of COVID-19 but that continues to be a personal choice for each student and staff member. Please remember to stay home if you show symptoms related to an illness. 


As always, thank you for your flexibility and understanding. If you have any questions or need clarification, please feel free to email QUESTIONS@MVCTC.COM


What to do if you test positive for COVID-19



Dr. Nick Weldy

Superintendent Miami Valley Career Technology Center