Currently works at an auto repair shop, before moving to North Carolina Tyler owned his own auto repair shop in Ohio.
“Attending MVCTC helped me with more than just what I do for a living. I went to MVCTC to learn about Auto Collision Repair, so I had another skill under my belt when it came to the automotive industry. Before MVCTC, I taught myself the mechanical side auto repair. While at MVCTC, I learned more than just how to repair the body of a car. I learned key people skills, from being submerged in an environment of hundreds of new faces and opportunities. I learned hard work ethic and the importance of putting every last bit of your skill into whatever you're doing because a final quality product is what defines who you are as a professional. I learned things from my lab teacher, Mr. Chuck Phillabaum and all my teachers at MVCTC about life. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss and appreciate my days at MVCTC. It was a life-changing opportunity that contributed to making me the motivated and ambitious man that I am today!”
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