Twin Valley South MVCTC FFA October 2020 Meeting


Twin Valley South MVCTC-FFA got back into the swing of things and held their monthly meeting on Wednesday, October 14.  After business was conducted,  members enjoyed snacks and decorated pumpkins. Chapter Officers judged the pumpkin creations and picked the best from five categories. Winners: Coolest, Rebecca Shindledecker; Most Creative, Wally Mitchell; Spookiest, Maggie Hoover; Funniest, Dalton Cornett; Best 5-Minute Throw Together, Krystin Monroe; Officer Choice, Ryan McGrill. Thank you Twin Valley South FFA Alumni & Supporters member Jamie Beneke for providing the pumpkins! 


Pictured (left to right): Rebecca Shindledecker, Wally Mitchell, Maggie Hoover, Dalton Cornett, Krystin Monroe, Ryan McGrill