Students attending the Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC) are members of a Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO) related to the
career program they are taking at MVCTC.
Students compete each year in CTSO contests at regional, state, and national competitions.
Those student groups on the MVCTC campus include BPA, FCCLA, FFA, HOSA, and SkillsUSA.
In February of 2021, 35 MVCTC SkillsUSA students competed virtually at the Regional SkillsUSA Competition, with nine MVCTC students placing in the
top three and earning the opportunity to compete at the Ohio SkillsUSA John Pottinger Competition.
SkillsUSA is a nonprofit national education association that serves middle school, high-school, and college students preparing for careers in trade, technical, and skilled service occupations. SkillsUSA offers many opportunities for growth through competitions.
Graphic Commercial Art seniors Paige Phillips (Northwestern) and Lauren Adams (Twin Valley South) took Gold and Bronze, respectively, in Advertising
Design. “Advertising Design competition has contestants demonstrate technical skills and creative aptitude as though contestants worked for an ad agency.”
Architectural Design senior, Benjamin Ryan (Northmont), won Gold in Architectural Drafting. “Architectural Drafting competition has contestants use their drafting skills to solve an architectural problem.”
Auto Collision junior, John Pottinger (Carlisle), won Gold in Automotive Refinishing Technology. “Automotive Refinishing competition has contestants perform skills outlined by the National Institute for Automotive Excellence (ASE) and the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF).
Including skills in surface preparation, spray gun operation, paint mixing, matching and applying, solving paint application problems, determining finish defects, causes and cures, and utilizing safety precautions.”
Auto Collision senior, Sydney Boyd (Brookville), won Silver in Collision Repair. “Collision Repair competition has contestants perform skills outlined by the
National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) and the ASE Education Foundation. Skills include metal straightening, attachment methods, plastic repair, and structural analysis.”
Criminal Justice seniors Jonathon Stiver (Valley View) and Alexa Soper (Valley View) won Gold and Silver, respectively, in the Criminal Justice category.
“Criminal Justice competition includes a written examination and practical exercises to evaluate the contestants’ abilities and knowledge of the field
and application of U.S. Constitutional Law.”
Destiny Harvey, Graphic Commercial Art senior from Preble Shawnee, placed second in SkillsUSA State T-Shirt Design Contest.
Taceana Zeyala, a Graphic Commercial Art senior from Huber Heights, won first place in the Ohio SkillsUSA State Pin Competition. Her design will be created and distributed at State and National SkillsUSA