According to ApprenticeOhio – “Learn the skills you need for a rewarding career while you earn a paycheck – all without racking up student loan debt!”
Last year, about 65 percent of Ohio college graduates borrowed money for their education. Before even stepping foot into the workforce, the average graduate was strapped with $29,391 in student loan debt.
What if you could earn the same amount per year as a college graduate without the student loan debt that goes along with it? That’s where ApprenticeOhio comes in! Learn more at
Ohio is investing in apprenticeships because business is booming in Ohio and employers can’t keep up with the demand for skilled workers. From manufacturing to medicine to computer technology, apprenticeships in Ohio cover a wider array of occupations than ever before.”
MVCTC Work-Based Learning Opportunities
Option 1: Two week on/off full-time rotation:
The students who meet the above requirements can start work the summer before their senior year. When school starts students can work two-weeks full time and return to school two-weeks full time. Students’ entire senior year would follow this schedule. We like to set employers up with two students so when one is at school the other one is at work. Students need to be employed by the start of senior school year.
Option 2: Half-Day Pre-Apprenticeship / Internship:
Students can work a half-day everyday schedule throughout the school year. The student can also start half-days at any time during first semester if qualifications were met and maintained. (Afternoons and Weekends)
Option 3: Half-Day Pre-Apprenticeship / Internship 1-2 Week on/off Capstone:
Students can work a half-day everyday schedule for a period of 1-2 weeks missing lab only, the following 1-2 weeks they would return to lab. This schedule would repeat weekly or bi-weekly throughout the school year. No earlier release options.
Option 4: Advanced Placement /Co-op:
Students in all programs that participate will be able to seek employment December of senior year. Their start date is determined by GPA and attendance. (half-day only) Guidelines and requirements listed in MVCTC student handbook. (Afternoons and Weekends)
For more information, contact Robert Ewry